treat fairly

美 [triːt ˈferli]英 [triːt ˈfeəli]
  • 公正对待
treat fairlytreat fairly
  1. About the questions how to treat fairly the position of computer assisted the physics teaching , how to plunge into the trend of the times actively and how to start with the courseware construction , etc. the author puts forward her own viewpoints .


  2. Many in Toronto 's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly


  3. Policemen should treat everybody fairly .


  4. In short , they found that the market didn 't treat them fairly .


  5. Maybe because people don 't treat you fairly ?


  6. We should learn from God and treat everyone fairly .


  7. But what if people knew that they could rely on technology companies to treat them fairly ?


  8. You need to treat everyone fairly and impartially .


  9. Policy to treat everyone fairly


  10. And you treat everybody fairly , no matter what they look like and where they are from .


  11. God did not treat women fairly : he gave women longer life , but a shorter youth ;


  12. If you treat me fairly .


  13. A further obligation to " treat customers fairly " sounds more promising , but is also inadequate .


  14. They knew that it was more important to treat everyone fairly than it was to treat them identically .


  15. This group is training its members to become leaders in explaining their problems and urging their communities to treat them fairly .


  16. We should respect , love and cherish everything and people around us and treat them fairly without influence of their title , fame , appearance , position , wealth and ability .


  17. Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian .


  18. The origin of the word " boycott " serves as a reminder : treat people fairly . Otherwise , your last name may become a word people use when they protest .


  19. The most important things any company can do are to treat customers fairly , be open and honest about what they can and can 't do , and continue to earn the trust and goodwill of customers .


  20. Teachers should treat every student fairly .


  21. They can treat the students fairly or unfairly .


  22. Society may treat different men fairly , but it cannot treat all men equally without destroying the very structure of society .


  23. The local market regulator is expected to stick to its principles that any corporate structure has to treat all shareholders fairly .


  24. And it means that business owners who treat their employees fairly can be undercut by competitors who don 't.


  25. But for this competition to benefit us both , it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally .


  26. Again , teachers improve the relations between teachers and students by changing the traditional teaching mode and treat every students fairly ; Finally , arousing students ' enthusiasm to construct the campus culture .


  27. To exert the significant role of rural education , the government must commit his promise of financial investment on free compulsory education , and treat rural education fairly in resource collocation , teacher treatment and educational opportunity .


  28. The former includes : from being-aside to being-with , love is the core of the building of the positive-affect ′ s teacher-child interaction , treat every child fairly ;


  29. A good employer is certain to treat each employee fairly , not only in terms of salary and other forms of compensation , but also in how that employee is involved in the daily function of the business .


  30. The CEO should treat all the executives1 fairly , not just his own flesh and blood .
